I'm Tessa and I would love to be your therapist.
Therapy can be a wonderful experience and finding a good fit with a therapist makes it all the better!
Here is some information about me and my style to help you decide if I'm a good fit.
What Brings You to Therapy?
For many of us, it's feeling lost, confused, hurt and disconnected from ourselves and the world around us.
We can come to feel lost and disconnected because of trauma or stress (either in this lifetime or in your lineage) that
hasn’t been digested in the body/mind. It can happen from living in an increasingly lonely and disconnected world.
I would like to support you in finding connection and meaning. To feel able to experience satisfying relationships with
yourself, partner, friends, family and the natural world around you is what being alive is about!
Therapy is a great way to practice connecting to and taking care of yourself. Therapy helps people to make a different choice
and this allows room to focus on the parts of you that are neglected so you can learn to care for them.
So these neglected parts of you don’t feel so alone, hurt and disconnected. By learning to do this you're
better able to bring this skill of meaningful connection into relationships with those around you.
Cost of Sessions
Therapy sessions with Tessa are 50 minutes in length.
Cost per session is $200-$150. Pay what you can. The initial session is an additional $25-50
Therapy with Me
Tessa (she/her) comes from Finnish, Irish people and is a descendant of the Potawatomi Indigenous people of Lake Huron. She is a mother and community member, who has lived down the street from the Mississippi River her whole life. She has 15 years of experience as a trauma psychotherapist providing a combination of somatic & talk therapy and brainspotting.
Tessa's approach to therapy is informed by movements of liberation from the dehumanizing impacts of living in a disconnected and lonely world and how this pain impacts our socio-emotional lives. She understands well, how disconnection and avoidance impacts relationships and her areas of expertise and interest are: trauma, climate change, connection and pleasure, LGBTQIA+, polyamory and open relationships, cultural humility and curiosity, depression, anxiety, and sexual intimacy.
Clinical Supervision Towards LICSW Licensure
Looking for an Integrative, Intersectional, Clinical Supervisory Approach?
I would love to supervise you in your journey towards LICSW! My clinical skills are rooted in eco-psychology and enhanced by psychodynamic theory, brain spotting, IFS, and somatic experiencing. My skills are well-suited for supporting folks looking to be grounded in a deeply embodied and connected clinical practice bent towards liberation and ecological well being.
As a therapist and supervisor my style is laid back and I use a lot of humor, compassion and understanding. I am sharp clinically and somatically and have years of practice connecting our cultural and emotional suffering as it relates to mental illness
to the intersections of climate change.
Contact me to chat more about what it looks like to work with me towards your clinical licensure.
Groups & Workshops
Since so much of life happens in relationship to others,
groups are a great way to create a real time place to practice reconnection!
Group therapy creates a great opportunity to grow stronger together.
They are a helpful and affordable way to do emotional and relational healing work.

Climate Change Emotional Process Group
Grieve · Connect
Feel · Activate · Collaborate
Collectively Move Towards
Planetary Healing
Email Tessa for details &
next group start date
Climate Change Healing Circles
A group space to connect and process our shared climate change feelings and our love for Nature. To work past avoidance and powerlessness and hone our emotional process so that we can find activation and momentum towards planetary well being

A Group for Healing from Disconnection
Reconnect · Care · Feel
Create · Kin
Bridge Differences & Apathy
Email Tessa for details &
next group start date
A Group for Healing from Disconnection
In the age of loneliness, this group provides a space to be with other humans and practice vulnerability and connection. A space to reach past what divides us and keeps us isolated and alone and practice being together beyond avoidance
Workshops & Trainings
Focused on climate change and emotional activation and I present on these topics locally and nationally.
(Contact Tessa for more details)
Podcast on Mental Health & Climate Change
I run a podcast on climate change and mental health and the power of emotions to help us activate change towards ecological healing (find info about podcast in menu above)

Schedule an Appointment
Tessa Anttila, MSW, LICSW
1304 University Ave NE #300
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Phone: (612) 760-5339