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podcast logo of world for mental health podcast on climate change

Tessa (she/her) is Finnish and Irish with Indigenous roots. She is a mother, neighbor and person who has lived down the street from the Mississippi River her whole life. She is a trauma psychotherapist and a citizen ecologist in Minneapolis created this podcast to help herself and others activate their purpose towards planetary well being via exploring the landscape of our emotional and cultural responses to our quickly changing world.


Tessa has learned from indigenous elders that one of our biggest barriers towards ecological healing lies in the story of colonization and how it has separated us from so much of the necessary wildness and natural intimacy needed to keep Earth's balance.


Her work focuses on the emotional aspects of colonization and the ways this story keeps us avoidant and disconnected from each other and all aspects of life on Earth. It keeps us from doing the public health work needed to regain ecological balance. She wants to practice with others like you what it means to belong and heal during the Climate Collapse.

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